Advanced Drug Testing
Company Name: Advanced Drug Testing
Status: Active
State: North Dakota
Post: 58801
County: Williams
City: Williston
Address: 1502 13th Avenue West
Phone: (701)577-0498
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact Owner: Robert Howard
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 807108 Industry group: Health Services, Business category: Medical Laboratories, Subcategory: Drug Detection Service & Equipment
Employees: 6
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 1,158,000
Overall: Advanced Drug Testing is a business categorized under medical laboratories, which is part of the larger category health services. Advanced Drug Testing is located at the address 1502 13th Avenue West in Williston, North Dakota 58801. The Owner is Robert Howard who can be contacted at (701)577-0498.
- Drug testing service
- Doctor
In summary:
- Quick service, fast results friendly staff!
- Extremely unprofessional company.
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Name: M.F.I.
Message: The lights are usually off but they are home! Quick service, fast results friendly staff!